Abus sexuels Feminism

The forum l’Originale faces its old demons

Published inTélérama in july 2020.

It is a forum intimately linked with the universe of YouTube and disappeared in 2018. L’Originale was founded by Thomas Hercouët, creator of the pop culture show Les Nuits originales, in 2014. He brought together hundreds of fans of the show, who discussed social issues ranging from anti-racism to feminism and depression.
As links were forged, some members began to see each other and organize meetings and parties. Even abuse. Accusations of sexual harassment, sexual assaults, rape… the floor was freed this summer 2020 on facts dating back to this period. Under the guise of a benevolence praised on the forum, according to the voices that testified, members would have sexually abused many people.

Accusations that implicate progressive circles that would hide many predators, abusing feminist rhetoric and discourse.

Cover picture: Victoria Heath for Unsplash.